Archive for the ‘Thursday Wildcard’ Category

Ornaments, Organization, and etsy

November 19, 2009

Okay, so I’ve been spending all my time gearing up for the holidays both in the “what the heck am I going to get everyone?” sense and in the etsy shop/ keeping the blog interesting sense. In creating ornament patterns to post, I’ve created 2, maybe 3 crochet patterns (I’m not quite done with the last one) and 1 knitting pattern, only it’s more of a door-hanger size than a tree ornament. I do have an idea for another knitted ornament but I have to say that I’m running out of creative ones. I hope, when the time comes to post that I’ll have just as many knit ornament patterns as I’ll have crochet ones, but at this stage I’m not making any promises.

I just posted a couple new things on my etsy store; namely single month listings of December’s crochet and knitting not-just-sock clubs. I will be posting these regularly from now on, but of course I won’t be posting the new month’s color until after the 15th when the contest is done.

Now my next big task: cleaning my craft space. Ugh. But organization does help the creative process. (At least, I really hope so!) Wish me luck, because I’ll need it.

Yet another quick announcement: Ray from Knitivity is going to be my featured fiber artist this Friday. He has a very interesting history, and an absolutely lovely shop. You definitely want to check it out. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Lisa, who nominated Ray during the giveaway.

Thursday WildCard: NaNoWriMo!

October 29, 2009



That’s right, NaNoWriMo. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever wanted to write your own novel? Even in a passing “I’d never have the time to do that” kind of way?

If so then here’s your chance. Participate in the 1 month national attempt to write a 50,000 word novel. This may sound insane but it works out to 1,667  words a day.

On a slow day I type 40 words per minute so in pure typing speed it should take me at most 42 minutes a day. (I work this out every year to psych myself up.)

Of course the part that makes it crazy is that you aren’t taking 50,000 words of dictation in a month, you are writing a novel, the whole thing, with a beginning, middle and end.

If this description makes you smile, then you need to go to right now, and join me in the attempt.

Make sure you sign up before Nov 1st, because it starts promptly at 12:01 am.